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6 tips to conduct London B2B market research

GrapeData shares 6 tips on how to conduct London B2B market research

Dec 14, 2022
B2B market research


Conducting a London B2B market research survey can help you find out how your UK target market gets information about your products and services. This can help you make strategic decisions that will benefit your business. Launching a London B2B market research survey involves asking questions to B2B survey respondents. This is so that you can gather useful information about what’s important to people within your industry or sector, as well as their opinions on specific subjects. To know more about London B2B market research, check out mrs.org.uk, UK's leading professional body for market research insights. Having talked about the UK market, let's dive into the six tips to conduct London B2B market research.

6 tips on how to conduct London B2B market research

If you're new to market research or already a pro, these 6 tips will help you conduct a successful research project. Read on to find more!

1. Determine your goals for London B2B market research

If you're in the process of making a business decision, conducting due diligence can be a great way to gather information about the market and competitors. It's also a good idea to conduct London B2B market research before developing your plan. That way, you can determine what your goals are as well as how they align with those of your target customers. There are several ways that these types of surveys can be conducted:

  • Through an online survey tool such as Google Forms or Qualtrics. These tools make it easy for you to conduct surveys quickly and easily. This is because they require no programming experience or knowledge of HTML code (which is used on traditional websites). They also allow participants to participate in multiple surveys at once and automatically send out reminders if someone hasn't completed their survey within a specified amount of time after signing up for it.
  • By using an email marketing service like MailChimp instead of sending out invitations manually through email addresses from Excel files or other databases.

Find out four other survey distribution methods in this blog post

2. Choose the right method for your London B2B market research

You will have to choose the right method for your London B2B market research. Online surveys are the most popular method, but other options include face-to-face surveys, focus groups, and phone interviews.

Online surveys can be done at any time and anywhere via email or websites. They don't give as much depth as some other methods because there is no direct interaction with the respondent. However, they're cheap to run and very quick to complete. Your respondents can fill in just one question per minute!

If you're looking for in-depth information about a specific issue then consider using a face-to-face survey. This is where you'll get more honest answers from your respondents because there's no chance of them being misunderstood online as they would be over the phone. Focus groups involve bringing together multiple individuals who share similar characteristics (e.g., age group) so that they can discuss certain topics together in order for all participants involved to learn from each other's experiences during these sessions. This type of methodology works well if what you want is feedback on specific issues rather than general opinions on different aspects within your industry.

3. Find out how your UK target market gets information about your industry, products, and services

The next step is to find out how your UK target market gets information about your industry, products, and services. The best way to do this is by asking the people who are in your target market. You can ask them:

  • What sources of information do they use? How often? What do they like and dislike about these sources?
  • How do they use the information? For example, what benefits does it bring them? Do they trust it or not? Why or why not? Are there any other activities that might be more useful for them than this type of activity/information source (e.g., surveys)? Do some companies provide better insights than others (if so, why)?

Once you have something valuable from this research you can then translate it into marketing campaigns that will resonate with your audience. This is where you can use the insights from your research to create a marketing campaign that clearly communicates what your audience wants and needs. You will be able to reach out to people who are interested in this type of information and offer them something that benefits them. For more information on industries, check out this article by smallbusiness.chron.

4. Request feedback from customers, stakeholders and providers

You are probably already in contact with your customers, stakeholders and providers. If not, it is time to contact them! They are the best source of information about the market because they are closest to it.

In particular, asking for feedback from your customers will give you an honest opinion about how things are working at the moment and what could be improved. It is also a great opportunity to find out what works well within your business. This is so that you can take advantage of this knowledge when planning future strategies.

A great way to get started is to make a list of all the people you have been in contact with within the last few months. If there are any gaps, reach out to these people and ask them for an informal chat. If possible, try to find someone who has been involved with your business for quite some time. This is so that they can give you an accurate assessment of its current state. This will save you a lot of time and effort because it automatically sends out invitations to the people you invite, allowing them to easily accept or decline your invitation.

5. Optimise your results with an appropriate length and number of questions

With the right length and number of questions, you can get the right answers.

  • Keep it short and simple: There are many reasons why you should keep your survey or interview as short as possible. A long survey may discourage potential respondents from completing it. On the other hand, a lengthy interview could lead to costly transcription costs when reviewing your data later on. Asking too many questions also makes it difficult for participants to recall their experiences in detail.
  • Avoid asking too many questions: The goal is not to give respondents a test but rather to understand their behaviour and attitudes towards specific topics. If you include irrelevant questions in your survey or interview, then these will simply distract from the real insights that matter most for your business.
  • Ask the right questions: You need an effective balance between open-ended and closed-ended formats. For example, be careful about choosing checkboxes versus multiple-choice options. Open-ended formats enable respondents to express themselves freely. Whereas, a closed-ended format provides them with a limited set of choices that needs less effort by them.

6. Be clear about your objectives, outcomes, and desired results from the outset

Before you even think about starting on your research, it's important to identify the problem and its scope. Define what you're trying to achieve and how you want to do it. Think about the outcomes. In addition, think about the desired results that are most important for your business (e.g., increased sales, growing customer base, etc.).

Once you have a clear idea of what needs improving in your business as well as what impact this improvement will have on your company, then formulate a strategy for conducting market research in London's B2B industries. When you're ready to start your research, the first step is to decide on a primary source. This can be anything from a survey of your customers to an interview with industry experts.

Contact us for expert advice on conducting London B2B market research

We help you find out what your customers really think about your business and can help you conduct London B2B market research surveys for due diligence or other purposes. Our London B2B market research experts have years of experience conducting surveys and interviews for a wide range of industries. We can help you get started with your survey, or we can work with you to design the entire project from start to finish.


If you’re looking to conduct London B2B market research, we have the expertise and experience to help. Our team of experts will walk you through every step of the process, from choosing the right method for your project needs through to analysing and interpreting the results. Get in touch today for a consultation about your next project. You can also check out our guide titled: An introduction to London B2B market research companies.

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