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7 essential healthcare market research questions

Learn the 7 essential questions you need to ask before you get started with healthcare market research

Feb 21, 2023


The healthcare industry is constantly changing. In the U.S., the FDA keeps strict regulations on the medical devices that doctors can use, and new technologies are continually being developed to improve patient outcomes. Healthcare market research helps companies stay up-to-date with these changes and make sure their products are meeting consumer needs. In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know about planning your own healthcare market research study including questions to ask your clients before starting the project and tips for executing a successful study that will lead to increased sales and profitability!

1. Who are your healthcare market research participants?

Arguably, the first and foremost thing you need to consider when starting a healthcare market research project is determining who your participants are.

  • What is the age range of your sample?
  • How many participants are there in each of these demographics: male, female, young (18-25), middle-aged (26-35), old (36-50).
  • What is the purpose of your healthcare market research? Are you looking for ways to improve patient care or increase profits? What kind of data do you want from this project: qualitative or quantitative? The answers to these questions will help determine who should be included in the study.
  • What are the goals of this project? Are they related specifically to improving patient care at a hospital or clinic setting; or do they aim at increasing profitability by lowering overhead costs through streamlining operations within an office environment such as insurance companies offering health plans via telemedicine services? 

2. What are the demographics of your sample?

Demographics are characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, and education level. They can help you understand the audience you're trying to reach and how they differ from other groups. Demographics are useful for market research because they can be used to find participants for studies or make inferences about the entire population (e.g., "The average age of our customers is 35 years old").

3. What is the purpose of your healthcare market research?

Before you start on a solution, it's important to define the problem. In this case, your healthcare market research should be used to determine what goals you want to achieve with your product or service. Healthcare market research is a process by which companies can assess the needs of their potential customers, and then use that information to create products and services that meet those needs. Healthcare market research aims to help organisations better understand their customers' wants and needs, so they can create products that will be more successful in the marketplace.

4. What are the goals of your healthcare market research project?

Before starting your research, setting goals for yourself is important. This will help focus your efforts and make sure that you don't waste time on things that aren't relevant to your project.

Asking these questions can help guide the direction of your project:

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • How much time do I have available?
  • Who are my competitors and how are they doing it better than me (or worse)?

5. Where will your healthcare market research take place?

The location of your healthcare market research is an important consideration. You may want to conduct it online, or in person at a local facility.

If you choose to conduct your research over the internet, there are several considerations:

  • Will participants be able to access the site? Do they have enough bandwidth and reliability? Is there a good chance that they'll get distracted by other things online while taking part in your study?
  • Is there enough diversity among users that their answers will reflect the overall population's perspective on your topic? Are all ages represented equally among the respondents (or does one age group dominate)? How about gender balance, is the parity between men and women responding to questions about health care services? If not, why not? How might this affect how people respond during interviews later on down the line? 

6. How many participants do you need for your study?

The sample size is the number of participants you need to represent the population. It's important to define what "represent" means in this context because it can have different meanings depending on whether you're doing qualitative research or quantitative research.

For example, if you're doing qualitative research and want your findings to be generalisable across all members of a specific group (e.g., all people with type 2 diabetes), then your goal would be to get enough data from each member so that they can speak for themselves and their experiences without being generalised too broadly or narrowly. On the other hand, if what we want is just an idea about how many people might be interested in something, then our goal would simply be getting enough respondents so that each person represents themselves.

7. What is the timeline for completing your healthcare market research project?

A key part of any research project is knowing how much time it will take to complete. The more accurate you are in estimating this, the better off you'll be. The first thing to consider is how much time your team has available for the project. If everyone is busy with other projects and can't devote as much time as they'd like to this one, then consider hiring outside help, but don't forget about expenses!

The timeline to complete a healthcare market research project varies depending on the scope of the project. In general, a comprehensive study will take about 6 weeks from start to finish. This includes definition of the scope and objectives, data collection and analysis, the report write-up and approvals, and final delivery.

The resources required for planning healthcare market research are:

1) A clear understanding of your goals and objectives

2) Understanding how you want to use this research (to inform a new product launch? To develop a sales strategy?)

3) A clear understanding of who your audience is (doctors? patients? people who are considering switching health plans?)

This article outlines the questions to ask when planning a healthcare market research study

When planning a healthcare market research study, it's important to understand the problem before you start on a solution. It's better to set goals before you start rather than after. You should also not worry about what other people's goals are and be ambitious but stay realistic.

  • Know yourself: You should know exactly what you want and how much time it will take for you to achieve that goal.
  • Be specific about your target audience: Define who exactly is going to benefit from your research. What kind of person would find value in it? What kind of problems does this group face on a daily basis?

Some questions that a healthcare market research project can answer

A healthcare market research project addresses a number of points. The first is the current state of affairs in the industry, including information about who is currently providing healthcare and what services they offer. The second point is what potential customers want and need from the industry, as well as how they feel about it at present. Finally, it also explores how to make their needs more accessible or affordable.

Learn more about what happened in healthcare this past year in this post

What does your customer want?

Asking questions is the first step in understanding your customers, but it's important to ask the right ones. The most effective healthcare market research questions are those that get at what the customer wants. In order to do this, we need to listen carefully:

  • What does the customer want?
  • Why does the customer want it?

How do they want it?

If you're selling a product or service, this question is crucial. Your ideal customer will have certain preferences regarding how they receive information and interact with your brand. For example:

  • What is their preferred method of communication? Are they more likely to respond to email newsletters than social media posts? Or maybe the opposite is true for them--in which case, should those newsletters contain links back to more robust content on your website (and if so, where should those links go)?
  • What are their preferences for scheduling appointments or meetings with sales reps trying to sell them something? Do they prefer face-to-face interaction over phone calls or even video chats? Again, these answers may vary depending on what exactly it is that people need help buying from you!

Where do they want it and when?

Here are some points to consider in this regard:

  • Location, time, and duration. Where do they want it? When? How long should it take?
  • Survey design. What questions should you ask? How will the survey be conducted (online or face-to-face)?
  • Sample size. How many people do you need to interview in order to get an accurate picture of the market's needs and wants?
  • Interviewer training: Here are some things to avoid doing when conducting interviews: Don't rush through things; avoid making assumptions about respondents' knowledge level; don't get personal with your questions; avoid interrupting respondents when they're answering questions.

Who are your competitors, and how can you be better?

Competitors are the companies with which you are directly competing. They offer a similar product or service and should be considered when developing your healthcare market research plan. Competing is not always a negative thing; it can actually be an opportunity to learn more about your market and how to position yourself in it.

Competitors can help you understand your industry's current state and what types of customers are most interested in buying from businesses like yours.

What do users think of your product or service yesterday, today, and tomorrow?

This is an important question because it's crucial for you to understand how your customers feel about what you offer. How can you improve the user experience and make sure that they get all the value they need from your product or service? If there are any problems with the way that things are going at the moment, why did they happen? And what changes would fix them? These are all questions that need answers if you want to create something valuable that people will pay for.

The best way to find out what users think is by talking directly with them. That's where healthcare market research comes into play: surveys, focus groups, and interviews can help provide insights into consumer attitudes toward products.

Learn more about improving patient experience in healthcare in this post. 

How can you improve the experience and make new revenue streams?

Asking customers what they want and like is a great way to improve your product or service. You can also ask them about the things that don't work for them and how you can make those better. It's important to ask customers if they would recommend your product or service to others, as this will give you an idea of how well your product or service is doing in terms of sales and marketing.

How can you change behaviour and get people to stick around (or come back)?

Healthcare is a relationship business, and that means you have to keep your customers happy. I

The best way to make sure customers stick around or come back is by providing them with a fantastic experience, one that makes them feel like they're getting the best possible care from the very beginning. This might seem obvious, but it's easy for healthcare companies (and any other businesses) to forget this principle.

In healthcare, we often talk about the "sticky" nature of patient engagement. What that means is that it's hard to get patients to come back or stick around after their first visit. This is an important question because you might want to research how you can change behaviour and get people to stick around (or come back). It's also important because if you want to get patients to come back after their first visit, it's good to know what you're up against.

Market research is important to healthcare companies looking to grow their business

Market research is a critical aspect of the healthcare industry. It helps you understand your customers and what they need, it helps you understand your competitors and how to beat them, and it helps you understand the market as a whole so that you can react accordingly.

Learn more about common healthcare market research methods here.

Market research is important because it allows healthcare companies to stay ahead of their competition by knowing more than they do about what's going on in their industry. This means that if another company releases an innovative product or service, yours won't be left behind, you'll be able to quickly adapt with something similar (or better).

Healthcare companies are always looking to grow and expand their business. Market research is a crucial part of this process, as it helps you understand your audience and what they want, as well as the competition and how to beat them.


We hope this guide has helped you to understand the importance of healthcare market research. It's an area where you must be sure that you know what your customers want, and how best to serve them. Also check out: 6 advantages of conducting a healthcare market research survey.

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