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Conducting cybersecurity market research: How to go about it?

An article explaining the process of cybersecurity market research

Dec 12, 2022


Cybersecurity market research is a vital tool for any business. It helps you understand your competitors, customers, and the market in general. This will help you identify areas where you can improve your products or services. In addition, it can also help you understand what to expect from future trends in the industry. You may be wondering what's happening in cybersecurity recently. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), organised its first conference mobilising 35 speakers on 6 key issues. The issues are listed below:

  1. Describing the EU regulatory approach to cybersecurity;
  2. Explaining cybersecurity requirements EU digital single market;
  3. Current Practices in Market Analysis and interaction with cybersecurity;
  4. Cooperation, innovation, and investment strategies in the market;
  5. SWOT Analysis for the EU cloud cybersecurity market;
  6. Cybersecurity certification explained as a driver for the EU cybersecurity market.

The aim of the conference was to encourage a policy debate over market analysis in the area of cybersecurity. It also allowed stakeholders to share their opinions on different elements of the cybersecurity market. The conference led to certain key conclusions. Some of these included closing the skill gap to reveal the full potential of cybersecurity and the need to capture sectoral differences in market analysis. Read more about the conference here.

What is cybersecurity market research?

Cybersecurity market research is the process of gathering and analysing data that helps businesses make strategic decisions. It typically involves identifying problems or opportunities within the industry, evaluating the existing state of a company's cybersecurity procedures and systems, determining the best solutions to address current issues and challenges, and developing long-term strategies.

The purpose of cybersecurity market research is to develop a clear understanding of the current environment so that businesses can make informed decisions about how best to proceed with their research. This information can be used to develop new products or services; identify areas where security needs improvement; create new business partnerships; increase brand awareness among consumers; improve customer service levels; reduce operating costs associated with maintaining existing products or services or systems; etc.

Cybersecurity market research can be conducted at an individual company level, or it can be performed on a larger scale with the help of third-party research firms. This type of data gathering and analysis is typically used by companies that are new to the cybersecurity industry. In addition, it can be used by those looking to expand their offerings into new areas. For example, companies that offer more products and services that support security, rather than just selling hardware, can also conduct this research. 

How to do cybersecurity market research?

The first step in conducting cybersecurity market research is to understand the industry, its dynamics, and trends.

Cybersecurity market research should be conducted from various angles:

  • Understand your customers and what they think about your company's product or service offerings.
  • Comprehend the end users of your products or services and their needs (and wants). This will help you define a common problem that you can solve with a better solution than others have.
  • Research competitors' marketing activities so that you can know what works for them. This will help you know how they are differentiating themselves from other companies in their space using marketing tactics such as advertising campaigns or social media posts on LinkedIn or Twitter etc.;
  • Understand your target market and what they need from a cybersecurity solution. Think about the problems they are facing, who are buying the solutions available in the market today, and how much do they spend on these solutions.

For a sectoral analysis of cybersecurity in 2022, check out this publication by gov.uk.

Secondary sources of cybersecurity market research

Secondary research is conducted using public sources, such as data published by a company or third-party analyst. The advantage of conducting secondary research is that you don't need to spend time searching for data because it's already been compiled. However, the disadvantage of using secondary sources is that they aren't always accurate and reliable.

The sources for secondary research include:

  • SEC filings of publicly traded companies (e.g., 10k reports)
  • News articles
  • Industry reports

Industry reports are a good source of secondary research. The advantage of using industry reports is that they usually contain an overview of the industry and its key players, as well as forecasts and trends. The disadvantage is that they often contain biassed information. Analyst reports are another good secondary research source. These reports usually contain an overview of the industry, its key players, forecasts, and trends. However, analyst reports often contain biassed information.

Primary sources of cybersecurity market research

Primary sources are the best way to get information on the topic related to cybersecurity. They are people who have direct knowledge of the topic and can provide detailed information about your industry. This includes customers, employees, competitors, and suppliers. These sources should be used when you only want one or two answers to specific questions. However, they are expensive because they take a lot of time and effort to get quality information from them.

Secondary sources are abundant, cheap, and easy to find. They include websites, books, and magazines that contain information about your topic. However, secondary sources can be unreliable because the content has been written by someone else who may have misinterpreted or misunderstood their sources of information.

In order to get the best possible information on your topic, you will need to use both primary and secondary sources. The best way to do this is to interview a few people who have direct knowledge of the topic and then look for information online about it.

The last word on cybersecurity market research

Cybersecurity market research is a necessary part of any business. However, it is also an area where many businesses fall short. There are several reasons for this:

  • The sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming for the average businessperson.
  • There are several different types of cybersecurity market research, each with its own approach and tools. It can be difficult to know where to begin your search for cybersecurity. In addition, it can be hard to know which type will provide you with the most useful results (if any).
  • Many companies lack resources or expertise in data analysis, so they don't always have the resources they need to conduct their own studies on cyber threats and make informed decisions based on these findings. In short, there's no one right way to conduct this kind of study. Each company should choose which methods make sense for them based on their specific needs and goals.

If there's one thing we learned from the way that businesses operate today, it's that no two businesses operate identically when it comes down to what works best according to their unique situations.

Cybersecurity has become an important part of every business today

Cybersecurity has become a very important part of business today. With the rise in cybercrime and data breaches, it is no wonder that cybersecurity has become a key component of business operations. Learn more about why cybersecurity is important in this article. You may be wondering how you can go about conducting market research for your new cybersecurity product or service. Here are some tips for conducting cybersecurity market research:

  • Understand the needs of your customers. The first step to any successful marketing campaign is to know who your customer base is and what they need from you as an organisation. Understanding their needs will help you determine what kind of products or services will best fit them, as well as help guide you when determining which demographics should receive which messages about them.
  • Consider using social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram when conducting this type of research because they allow people who use them regularly (such as millennials) to access information more quickly than other types of platforms like Facebook.

You can also use these platforms to gauge the reactions of your customers and the general public at large. For example, if you post a picture on Instagram of one of your products or services and get more likes than usual, that could be an indication that people like what they see and want more information about it. Also, consider using this data to determine which demographic groups are most likely to purchase from you based on their comments as well as how many times they have interacted with your posts.


In conclusion, cybersecurity market research is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. It involves coming up with questions that need to be answered and then finding the right people to answer them.

While this can be a daunting task for some people, others find it easy because they have experience with similar kinds of projects before. Regardless of how difficult or easy you think it will be for you, there are always steps that must be taken if one wants their research project to succeed. If you're looking for more information on this topic, check out our recent blog post. In, 'What are the challenges to Cybersecurity market research?', we go over some of the top challenges faced by researchers in this field.

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