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4 popular methods of a B2B market study

Explore 4 popular methods of a B2B market study in this post

Mar 20, 2023
B2B market research


A B2B market study is a research method used to gather information from your target audience. It can help you understand what customers want, how they behave, and how best to reach them. There are many ways to conduct a B2B market study, but they can all be broken down into a few basic categories: online surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews (one-on-one conversations), and social media tools. This article will discuss these methods for conducting a B2B market study so that you can decide which one works best for your business needs!

1. Online surveys

Online surveys are a great way to gather information from your target audience. They're easy to create and can be distributed quickly. Additionally, they also provide you with the data you need to make informed decisions about your business. Depending on what type of research you want to conduct and how much detail is required for each question (i.e., open-ended vs. multiple choice), there are different ways that online surveys can be constructed. The options are endless!

A popular method for a B2B market study is a survey. A survey is an instrument that gathers data from people in order to analyse their responses. The survey can be conducted online or in person, but it is typically an online survey. A B2B market study can use the collected results to determine how many customers are using a specific product or service, what they like about the product or service, and what they would change about it if given the chance.

2. Focus groups

Focus groups are a great way to get feedback from your target audience. They can be done in person or online, and you can choose to focus on customers, employees, competitors, or anyone else in your industry. Focus groups allow you to get feedback about what people like about certain products and services. With focus groups, you can find out how they use them and why they prefer one brand over another. This method is especially useful if you're looking for specific information on a particular aspect of your business. This could be marketing campaigns or product development ideas.

3. In-depth interviews

In-depth interviews are a great way to get in-depth information. They are especially when you're looking for insights that come from people who have a lot of experience with the topic. They're also useful if you want to get information from experts in the field.

In-depth interviews typically last between 30 minutes and an hour, but they can be longer if needed. There are three parts:

  • opening questions (where you ask basic questions)
  • probing questions (that dig deeper into what your interviewee has said)
  • closing statements (where you wrap up by thanking them for their time).

You can conduct a survey in-person, over the phone, or online.

  • In-person surveys: You can conduct in-person surveys at events and conferences where you have an audience of potential customers. You can also set up booths at trade shows and conventions to gather information from people who stop by your booth. In-person interviewers ask respondents questions about their attitudes, behaviours, and opinions about certain topics. They then analyse the responses to identify patterns among different types of customers or prospects.
  • Phone interviews: If you're working with a large company that has many employees who aren't always in the office, or if you're trying to reach out farther than just local customers, phone interviews might be better suited for your needs.
  • Online surveys: An online survey allows for more people to participate than would be possible with other types of surveys (in person). However, it still limits participation because you will not reach those who don't have access to a computer or the internet.

A checklist on in-depth interviews can be found here.

4. Social media tools

You can use social media tools to measure customer satisfaction, customer sentiment, brand awareness, and loyalty in a B2B market study.

  • Customer satisfaction: Use social media tools to measure the satisfaction level of your customers. A lot of companies have their own websites where they ask customers to rate their products or services on a scale of 1-5. This information is then fed into an algorithm that calculates the average rating for each product or service and gives you an idea about how well people like it.
  • Customer sentiment: Social media provides insights into what people think about your brand or industry through hashtags, forums, comments, and more.

Some popular types of B2B market research studies

This type of study is an effective way to get insight into the needs and wants of your potential customers. A B2B market study will provide you with information about who they are, what they want, how much they are willing to pay, and how often they buy products like yours. You can then use this data as a basis for developing new products or services that will meet their needs better than existing offerings. Below, we'll look at some popular types of B2B market studies. 

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys are a popular type of B2B market study. These surveys are usually conducted by phone or email. You can use them to measure the customer experience with a product or service, as well as customer loyalty and sentiment.

You can also use customer satisfaction surveys to measure satisfaction with specific features of your product or service.  For example, let's say that you sell payroll software and want to know how easy it is to use. You can survey accountants or personnel in this case to gauge the ease of use. 

Voice of the Customer (VOC) Surveys

VOC surveys are one of the most popular methods of market research. You can use VOC surveys to gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

A VOC survey is a good way to gain insight into how your customers feel about your product or service. It can also be used to gather feedback about specific aspects of your business, such as customer satisfaction, product quality, or service quality.

A VOC survey is a quick way of collecting information from customers by asking them questions through an online questionnaire. The results will help you understand what they like and dislike about what you offer, and whether there are any areas where you can make improvements.

Interviews and Persona Development

Interviews are a great way to learn about the needs of your target audience. The more information you have, the better equipped you'll be to create effective marketing campaigns. By conducting interviews with members of your target audience, you can gain insight into their goals and challenges in relation to, say, B2B sales.

Persona development can help you understand your target audience even better by giving each individual a personality. This type of B2B market study helps companies create products or services that appeal specifically to their customers. It also makes it easier for them to connect with those customers on an emotional level when marketing their products or services. Interviews and persona development are two methods of understanding your target audience that is highly recommended for every B2B market study.

Customer profiling

Customer profiling is a process that helps you identify your target audience or the type of people who will benefit from your product or service. It's important to understand who your customers are before designing anything for them because it can help you determine what features they need and what problems they want to be solved.

In order to get started with customer profiling, it's important to define the problem before starting on a solution.  Start by asking yourself: "What do my clients want?" You should come up with some ideas based on previous research and conversations with potential customers; then narrow down those options based on what makes sense financially (i.e., which option makes sense given your budget). 

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis is a great way to understand how your product compares to the market, your customers, and other competitors.

  • Compare your product with its competitors. This can be done in several ways:
  • How does my product differ from the competition?
  • What are the benefits of my product over others on the market?
  • Compare your company's offerings with those of other companies in its industry (if applicable). In addition to this analysis being useful for understanding why people buy from one company over another, it also gives insight into what kinds of customers might be interested in buying from you or someone else in this space.

Competitor analysis is a great way to learn about your competitors, their strengths, and their weaknesses. It can help you understand how you can differentiate yourself from them by identifying new opportunities for your business.

It's also important to know that competitor analysis isn't just about what other companies do; it's also about how they think. For example, if the competition has been using social media as a marketing channel but hasn't seen much success with it, maybe there's an opportunity for you to take advantage of this insight by focusing more heavily on social media marketing in order to gain an advantage over them!

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a method of analysing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that affect a business. It's a way to identify the key areas of your business that need attention.

Strengths: Strengths are also called "internal" or "internal strengths," as they are inherent within an organisation. Strengths can be used to gain a competitive advantage over others by capitalising on them. Examples include: strong brand name recognition; a skilled workforce; specialised technology used in production processes.

A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps you understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your business. It helps you identify your company's strengths and weaknesses by evaluating them against competitors in the market. The analysis also looks at external factors such as customer needs, technology trends, or macroeconomic conditions that may affect your business.

SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths (S). These are internal factors that give you an advantage over others in the market; they can be used to achieve more than others can do with their resources alone.
  • Weaknesses (W). Weaknesses are internal factors that hold back an organisation from being able to compete effectively with its rivals; they must be overcome if success is going to happen.
  • Opportunities (O). These refer to external opportunities such as changes in customer demand or new technologies coming onto the market which may present new ways of doing business.
  • Threats (T). Threats refer to external threats such as changes in legislation affecting sales activities or increased competition due to mergers between other companies.

Competitor benchmarking

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your performance with that of your competitors. It can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business, as well as identify opportunities for improvement. Competitor benchmarking also allows you to identify threats to your business, such as new competitors entering the market or changing customer preferences.

Competitor benchmarking involves collecting information about:

  • The size and structure of their organisation 
  • Their products or services offered
  • The pricing strategy they use for those products or services

The primary benefit of a B2B market research study is that it gives you insight into the minds of your target audience. This can help you better understand what they want and need, which in turn will help inform future marketing decisions.

There are many ways to conduct a B2B market study, but they can all be broken down into a few basic categories

An online survey is the most common way to ask questions of your target audience and get feedback on different aspects of your business or product. The main benefit of this method is that it can be done quickly and easily. You'll also likely have access to more respondents than any other method. However, there are some downsides as well: many people find filling out forms boring or tedious; others may not respond at all if they don't see value in participating.

In-depth interviews are often used when there's an opportunity for participants to share their opinions in more depth than would be possible through an online survey or focus group setting. For example, say that you wanted to hear how people felt about your product line before launching new products into the market. An in-depth interview could help provide valuable insight into those feelings and needs.


The best way to decide which method is right for your B2B market study depends on a number of factors. First, you should consider the type and scope of information that you need. Do you need quantitative data such as customer satisfaction ratings or net promoter scores? Or do you prefer qualitative insights like interviews or focus groups? Second, think about how much time and money are available for research, and don't forget about your target audience! You might need to customise one of these methods so that it works well within your organisation's constraints.

Found this article useful? You might also want to check out: Different Types of B2B Survey Respondents That You Should Know About.

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