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5 best practices to gather B2C market insights

Explore 5 best practices to gather B2C market insights in this post

Mar 31, 2023
B2C market research


If you're a marketer for a B2C company, chances are you've heard of the term market insights. B2C market insights refer to the data and information we gather about our customers. This data can be used to make better decisions on how to build products, services, and marketing campaigns. So what do these insights look like? The answer depends on your particular business goals and needs. Here are five best practices that will help guide your efforts:

1. Understand your customers to get B2C market insights

The first step in gathering B2C market insights is to understand your customers. This includes understanding what motivates them, what triggers their buying processes, and who they are. You also need to know where they hang out online so you can reach them effectively.

To get started on the right foot, ask yourself these questions:

  • What motivates my target audience?
  • What do I know about my customers' buying process?
  • Who are my target audiences? Where do they live (or work) and how old are they?

2. Understand how to create a feedback loop using B2C market insights

The key to creating a feedback loop is to listen to your customers and use their insights to inform future product decisions. You can do this by creating an email newsletter, conducting surveys, or running focus groups. Use data from this process as part of the decision-making process for new products that you're developing or considering adding to your line up. If possible, create a formalised process for gathering B2C market insights so that all team members understand how important it is.

3. Gather data across channels and devices

A data platform that collects and integrates data from all touchpoints, channels, and devices is critical for B2C marketers. This enables you to create customer personas based on insights about their behaviour, preferences, needs, and interests. Using a single data source allows you to understand who your customers are at a deeper level than ever before. You could also use that information to drive more relevant marketing campaigns that resonate with them more effectively than ever before.

Use B2C market insights as a source for building customer acquisition strategies, not just product development or retention efforts. This is important because it will help you identify new opportunities in your market space. 

4. Ask the right questions and listen to the answers

The best way to get answers is by asking the right question in the first place. So, make sure you know exactly what information you need before launching into a survey or interview to gather B2C market insights

The most common way to gather B2C market insights is by using online surveys. These are relatively inexpensive to run and can be easily distributed through email lists or social media channels. You can also try setting up focus groups in-person at events like conferences or meetups.

B2C market insights will help you discover how to build better products and services.

  • You can use these insights to make your existing B2C strategies more effective, or even create new ones that will be more engaging for your users.
  • It's important that you understand the behaviours of your target audience so that when developing a new feature or service, it resonates with them on an emotional level.

5. Look at the big picture

One of the first steps in gathering B2C market insights is understanding what motivates your customers and what triggers them to take action. This means looking at the big picture: how they make their purchasing decisions, why they choose your product or service over another one, and what factors influence their decision-making process. You also need to get familiar with your audience's buying process. This is so that you know where they are in it when they interact with your brand. Are they just beginning their search? Or have they already narrowed down their options? Understanding these things will help you find out whether there are any gaps between where someone is in their purchasing journey and where they want (or need) to be before making a purchase decision.

Some ways that you can use B2C market insights

One way that B2C market insights can be used is to understand the buying process for your product or service. In other words, what does a customer need to do before they buy from you?

To answer this question, ask yourself these questions:

  • What value do they get from your product or service? Why should they buy it?
  • How does it compare to other solutions on the market (your competitors)?
  • Who will be using it and how often will they use it?
  • What are the most important features? What is the customer’s problem that this product/service solves?
  • How will they use it? What benefits does it give them?
  • What will they need to spend on this product/service?

Use B2C market insights to tell a story about your audience

For example, a large technology company that sells products directly to consumers used B2C market insights to identify the most active customers and segment them into cohorts based on their behaviour. They created personas based on these cohorts so they could understand who they were selling to and why they bought from them.

The most important thing you can do is listen to your customers and learn from them. Listen to what they say and find out what they need or want to solve their problem or meet their need. You can do this by asking open-ended questions during interviews, or by conducting surveys.

Ask yourself who, why, when, and where?

When it comes to B2C market insights, there are three important questions you should ask yourself:

  • Who are they? Are they male or female? What age range do they fall into? These questions help you understand the demographics of your target audience.
  • Why do they buy from us rather than another brand? Understanding why customers choose your brand over others is crucial for developing product offerings and marketing campaigns that resonate with them on an emotional level.
  • When do they make purchasing decisions? What influences their decision-making process when it comes time for them to make purchases online or in stores? Understanding when people buy certain products will help guide your efforts around developing effective messaging strategies.

One of the first steps in gathering B2C market insights is to ask yourself who, why, when, and where?

  • Who do you want to reach?
  • Why do they matter to your business?
  • When are they most likely to buy from you or consume your product or service?

This helps you focus on the right types of people and creates a better user experience for them. It also helps narrow down your target audience, which makes it easier to reach out to them.

Use B2C market insights to understand your audience to make better business decisions

This is because market insights allow you to better understand your customers. This in turn allows for more effective marketing campaigns and product development. The advantage of market insights is that they help you to understand your customers in a more personal way. This allows for better marketing campaigns and product development, which can help you to increase sales and grow your business.

Create customer personas through B2C market insights

Customer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customer. They can be based on real people, but they do not need to be. The goal is to create a profile for your customer that includes their demographics and psychographics (what they think), as well as their behaviour patterns.

Using these profiles in marketing efforts helps you understand your audience better. It also helps you make better marketing decisions because the data collected will be more accurate.  Finally, using these customer profiles allows companies to build products and services that meet customers' needs.

Customer personas are a great way to understand your customers. They help you create a more personal experience for them, understand their needs and wants, and identify their pain points.

What can be some challenges to gathering B2C market insights? 

Gathering B2C market insights is a challenge because the consumer market is so diverse. There are so many different types of consumers, with different tastes, preferences, and values. To gather B2C market insights, you need to gain an in-depth understanding of your target audience as a whole, not just one type of consumer.

A second problem with gathering B2C market insights is that you need to be able to understand how your customers feel about your brand and product offerings. This means that you can't rely solely on quantitative data (like sales figures) or qualitative data (like surveys). You need both types of data if you want to truly understand what's important to your customers.

Gathering B2C market insights can be tricky. Customers are busy, and they may not always have the time to talk to you. If you're gathering customer feedback, you'll need to find out what questions they have. If your product is new, or if it's already on the market but there have been changes to it, customers may not know what to ask you.

You may also run into issues with your survey's design: How long should it be? Should there be a video? Which answer options are best? If a customer is having trouble filling out your survey, that could mean that they're frustrated with the product or service, or that they're just not interested in taking your survey.

Also, when gathering B2C market insights, think about how much information you want from each customer. Is this just an exploratory survey? Are you looking for specific answers from certain types of customers? This will help you decide how many questions and how much detail to include in each one.

Collecting actionable B2C market insights will help you make better decisions 

B2C Market Insights are useful for a business because they give a company the ability to understand the wants, needs, and preferences of its consumers. This information can be used to create more effective marketing campaigns and better products, as well as provide a deeper understanding of what people value in their products.

This is because it will give you a clear picture of what customers want from your products and services. This will allow for more effective messaging and targeting of audiences. B2C market insights are useful to businesses in a couple of ways.

First, they can be used to help make decisions about new products or services. If a business is considering whether or not to introduce a new product or service, it can use B2C market insights to determine how popular that kind of product has been in the past. If it's not likely to sell well, it may not be worth the investment of time and money.

Second, B2C market insights are useful for determining which of your current products might be improved upon. For example, if you sell shoes, you might want to see if there are any trends developing among consumers that you could use in order to improve your shoe designs. This way, you'd know what kind of materials or designs would be most popular before investing in new supplies.

In conclusion, B2C market insights are a great way to make better business decisions. They allow you to understand your customers' motivations and triggers, and look at the big picture of their buying process. Collecting actionable consumer insights will help you make better decisions in your marketing efforts as well as discover new opportunities for growth within your company. Found this article useful? Also check out: Unlocking the value of B2C market insights.

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