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What is a focus group study and how to conduct one

Learn all about a focus group study and how to conduct one

Mar 13, 2023
B2B market research
B2C market research


A focus group is a research method that involves interviewing a small number of people together. Companies usually conduct focus groups by asking participants to talk about each other and the topic at hand. A moderator can ask questions, elicit responses and provide feedback during a focus group. Focus groups vary in length depending on the topic and research objectives. Before running a focus group study, researchers should think carefully about their design choices. Focus groups are one of the best ways to get feedback on a product or service.

A focus group study is a research method that involves interviewing a small number of people together

Companies most commonly use focus groups to understand consumer behaviour. However, they can also use them for other purposes such as testing new products or services. A focus group consists of anywhere from 8-12 people who discuss topics related to their experience with the product or service being studied. Focus groups are led by an experienced facilitator who guides participants through discussion topics and keeps them on track with questions like: "What do you think about that?" or "Tell me more about that?"

You can ask participants to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on a particular product or idea. Focus groups are useful for gathering information on how people use products, what they like or dislike about them, and what they think of new ideas. In some cases, you can also use focus groups as an evaluation tool. In this case, you would want to ask people's opinions about something you have created (for example a new packaging design).

A moderator can ask questions, elicit responses and provide feedback during a focus group. This helps to keep the discussion on track and ensures that all participants have an opportunity to speak.

Focus group studies vary in length depending on the topic and research objectives

For example, a focus group that examines the experiences of patients with diabetes may last two or three hours. This is because you want to explore their feelings about different aspects of living with diabetes, such as diet and exercise habits, support networks, ways they cope with challenges related to their condition, and so on.

Before running a focus group study, researchers should think carefully about their design choices. Some examples of factors that may affect the results include:

  • The number of participants in each group
  • Whether or not there are different groups for different subgroups (e.g., men vs women)
  • How many times the same person participates in multiple groups

Focus groups are one of the best ways to get feedback on a product or service

A focus group is a meeting of people who are asked to discuss or evaluate something, such as a product or service. Companies use focus groups to get feedback on products and services that they're developing. They can also be used for market research purposes. Focus groups are one of the most effective ways to gather information about what consumers think about a product or service. Using focus groups, companies can work on improving a product before it goes into production for sale.

A focus group is a group of people who are brought together to discuss a product or service. The purpose of these discussions is to gather information about what consumers think about certain products or services. You can use focus groups for many purposes, including:

  • Developing new products and services
  • Improving existing products and services
  • Testing marketing campaigns before you launch them

Why do focus groups fall under qualitative research?

Researchers typically use this method when they want to understand the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of their target audience.

Focus groups are also sometimes called qualitative research because they're based on qualitative data (information that cannot be quantified). For example, let's say that you ask someone "What do you think about this new product?". It's not likely for them to give an exact answer like "I think it's great" or "It needs work." Instead, they might tell a  story about why they like or dislike something and then maybe even give some suggestions for improvement!

It's a qualitative research method because it uses unstructured data-gathering techniques. These techniques could be open-ended questions and encouraging participants to share their opinions. The goal of this type of research is to get feedback from consumers on products, services, and brands. Researchers often use a focus group study as part of market research for new products or services. However, they can also be helpful in improving existing offerings by providing insights into how people feel about them.

It is a qualitative research method that uses face-to-face interaction to explore people's opinions and attitudes. Researchers can use a focus group to gather information about what people think, feel, or believe on a given topic.

An example of a focus group study

For example, you may want to know if consumers are satisfied with the quality of your product or service. To do this, you could conduct a focus group where participants come together and discuss the topic at hand.  It might be that the focus group has people with similar characteristics. This is so that results can be generalised across target audiences for businesses or brands looking to better understand their customers' needs. It is a way of gathering information about people's opinions, feelings, and beliefs. It helps you learn more about your audience. In this way, you can make better decisions when designing products or services for them.

A focus group is made up of 6-10 people who meet with a moderator in a room or space that's set up like an informal conversation area. The moderator leads the discussion by asking questions about topics related to your business goals and objectives.

Focus group studies: A more informal research method

Focus-group studies are useful for gathering information about what people think about a product, service, brand name, or ad campaign. Focus groups can also help you identify potential problems before they become too serious. These groups can also help you find out what could make your business more successful. They're a great way to get feedback on your product or service from people who are actually using it.

They tend to be more informal than other kinds of research methods. Researchers often use them as a way of collecting data from consumers on new products or services. Researchers can also use them to understand how the public feels about an existing product, service, or policy issue. For example: if you have an idea for a new kind of shampoo for dogs, you could hold a focus group to find out what people think about it and how much money they would pay for it. The moderator will ask questions about various topics related to your product or service. Thereafter, the participants will give their opinions on these issues.

What is the main advantage of a focus group study?

The main advantage of focus groups over one-on-one interviews is that they allow researchers to gather data from multiple perspectives at once. This can help them observe patterns in behaviour or opinion rather than relying solely on individual responses (or "n" sizes). However, this advantage comes at the cost of losing some control over who participates in your study. If there aren't enough participants available for your study or if someone drops out unexpectedly, there may not be enough time left before the deadline of the research project.

Focus groups work well when you're trying to get a broad sample of opinions on a particular topic, such as how people use technology or how they feel about their neighbourhoods. Focus groups are also useful for getting feedback on prototypes of new products, services, and features. However, focus groups aren't ideal if you're trying to collect data that is specific enough that you can use in an experiment (e.g., testing different versions of an interface) or statistically significant.

Learn more about the pros and cons of focus groups in this post.

How can a focus group study benefit you?

Focus groups enable you to:

  • Gain insights into how consumers feel about products and services in their own words.
  • Make sense of the results by interpreting them from both an individual and group perspective.
  • Provide rich data with which to develop new products or services that meet the needs of your target audience.

Conducting a focus group study will help you to:

  • Understand what your customers think.
  • Identify areas of improvement and opportunities for new products.
  • Learn how to improve customer service, marketing campaigns, or other aspects of your business.

Learn more about the role of focus groups in HR in this article.

What is the difference between a focus group study and a survey?

A focus group is essentially a group of people who are asked about their opinions, feelings, and experiences. It's important to note that focus groups are not surveys. There will usually be no set questions for participants to answer, but rather an open discussion. The moderator (usually someone from the company who wants to find out more about customers) guides this conversation by asking questions designed to explore specific areas of interest and encourage different perspectives among participants.

How to run a focus group study

A focus group study is a group interview in which you can ask people about their opinions on a particular product, service, or concept. The researcher may ask general questions about the topic or specific questions that relate to the product or service in question.

The key to running a successful focus group study is preparation. Before you begin planning your session, think about what type of information you want from participants. Also, consider how this will help shape the overall direction of your research project. Once you have identified these goals for your research project, consider who would be best suited for participation in your study.

The best way to run a focus group study is to invite people from different backgrounds and with diverse views. You want to make sure you have a good mix of opinions so that you represent all sides of your data. The more diverse the group of participants, the more useful your findings will be when it comes time for analysis.

You should try to get at least eight people for each group. It's best to have at least eight people in each group. Ideally, you should aim for more than ten participants per group. This will help you get a better sense of what different types of people think about your product or service.

The number of groups you run depends on how much time you have available. It also depends on how many different topics you want to cover during the study. However many groups are right for your project will depend on how much money and time are available; so make sure these constraints aren't hindering your ability to collect good data!

Focus groups are conducted in order to gain insights into what consumers think about certain products or services

A focus group is a method of market research where a small group of people is asked to discuss their opinions, perceptions, and attitudes on a particular subject. 

Focus groups can be conducted face-to-face or online through the use of video conferencing technology such as Skype or Google Hangouts. This allows participants from different locations around the world to participate at the same time.

In order to conduct focus groups, you will need to recruit people who fit your target audience and create topics for discussion that relate directly to your product or service. It's important to pick topics that are relevant. You should also pick ones that you can address in an open-ended way so as not to limit possible answers from participants.


Focus groups are a great way to get feedback from consumers on your product or service. They allow you to understand what people think about a certain topic. In addition, they allow you to see how they might respond when faced with certain situations. The best way to run a focus group study is by inviting people from different backgrounds and with diverse views. This is so that you can get an accurate representation of what your target audience thinks about your topic of interest. For more types of qualitative research, check out: How do you conduct a B2B qualitative survey?

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